New Projects

Oceanographic Applications and Services to SMEs for Coastal and Marine Sustainable Development

The overall goal of the project is to evaluate the economic, environmental and societal nature of near shore waters with emphasis on their potential for aquaculture and coastal development directed towards Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (SMEs). The aim is to characterize aquaculture sites in terms of its properties and features and its potential marine renewable energy, eco-tourism and other coastal developments. It will also identify ocean/coastal hazard and give possible mitigative measures and provide a tool for sustainable marine planning and resource management applications and also for long term monitoring of the aquaculture sites and its surroundings. Finally, provide the Government and SMEs with adequate information on the possibilities of harnessing our marine coastal near/offshore waters and assist in the formulation of marine resource management strategy.

  • It will provide SMEs looking towards marine business with baseline information in terms of water dynamics
  • Support the government on decision making on the optimum use of our marine areas
  • Help to assess the vulnerability and asset of earmarked areas
  • Provide SMEs with information that will be optimum for their business plan and ultimately create sustainable jobs

Emerging knowledge for Local Adaptation

The Mauritius Oceanography Institute (MOI) is collaborating with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) (S. Africa), the Nova University of Lisbon (Portugal), the University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) (Mozambique), CORDIO East Africa (Kenya), the Open University of Mauritius (OUM) and the University of Mauritius (UOM) on this four- year (2014-2017) MASMA-funded project. The Ministry of Environment, Sustainable development and Disaster and Beach Management is the key Government partner of the MOI for implementation of this project at the National level.


The overarching objective of the project is to develop strategies to extend the impact of emerging knowledge relating to coastal vulnerability to enable local government and Governance structures and communities to use knowledge in order to facilitate adaptation and build resilience to climate change. The project vision states that: by 2016 local Government and other stakeholders have access to effective guidance on best applicable practices on the production, management and use of emerging knowledge on coastal vulnerability to climate change to facilitate adaptation in the Western Indian Ocean countries.